Flexibility:  Flextime - Troubleshooting

No matter how well a flexible option is planned and implemented, from time to time breakdowns do occur. Here are some common breakdowns that managers or employees might experience once a flextime arrangement is operating.

Click on any of the potentially challenging situations for some suggestions on how to more effectively manage ongoing flexible solutions.

whether a meeting requires
a schedule change
for consistent interaction with those on regular schedule
to clarify when you will adjust your schedule

-- You are not regularly in
    until 9:00am
-- A project meeting is called
    for 7:45am
-- Should you go or cite your
    schedule as an obstacle

-- Very few people seem to
    use flextime
-- There are a lot of missed
    messages in the morning
-- The assumption is you are
    available when needed

-- With your modest schedule
    change, people feel free to
    seek changes
-- You’re flexible, but don’t
    want to defend your
    agreement all the time

here for guidance

here for guidance

here for guidance


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