Flexibility:  Remote Work

Remote Work is an arrangement that enables employees to work exclusively at a home office or other work site. Unlike telecommuters, remote workers  do not have a designated company workspace.

Remote work involves moving work to the people rather than people to the work. This is possible because much of the work that is being moved is information, easily transmitted with modern technology.

whether remote work is
desirable and feasible
your own behavioral and
technical path to success 
more fully by diving
more deeply

-- Weigh Pros & Cons

-- Take FlexFitness 

-- Review Remote Work 
   Success Stories

-- Study tips for Succeeding

-- Learn the Tools that are
   provided to Remote Workers

-- Review and complete the
   Remote Work Training

-- Visit Troubleshooting to
   see issues that arise

-- Review Remote Work

-- Read Your Agreement 
to see what’s expected

- Flextime - Telecommuting - Remote Work - Part-Time - Job Sharing - Compressed Workweek - Sitemap

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