Flexibility:  FlexFitness - Remote Work

Are you and your job a good fit for remote work?

The questions below may help you decide. They are based on people and positions that have made flexibility work here and in other companies.

Please read each statement. If it is true for you, click on the box. Keep in mind that this assessment is meant only as a guide. The final decision rests with you and your manager.

All of my job requirements can be accomplished remotely.
My job does not require face-to-face contact with clients or colleagues.
I have a separate space in my home that will only be used as my home office.
I have (or will have) the training and support I need to perform my job functions while working remotely.
I work and communicate well with my manager.
I work and communicate well with my team members.
I will not have any personal responsibilities (such as child care, elder care or home repairs) while working at home.
I can provide quality service to clients while working remotely.
I can be focused and disciplined working remotely.
I can perform as well or better working independently.
I can be creative and assertive in keeping myself “visible” and in the loop.
I understand clearly what results are expected of me in my role.
I am highly self-motivated.
I can be counted on to complete work assignments and meet deadlines.
I realize that working remotely can be isolating and feel that I can make adjustments to stay in touch with my co-workers and managers.
I feel that I can keep distractions and temptations around the house (e.g. the TV, visitors, laundry, the refrigerator) under control while I am working.
I am literate with computers, electronics and other required technology.
I am prepared to visit the office when my manager or I deem it essential.

Interpreting Your Results

The more checks you have, the more likely you are to succeed with this arrangement.  A very low number of checks should encourage you to rethink how viable the remote work option might be for you and to review carefully the other choices. 

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