Flexibility:  Part-Time

Part-time employees work less than a regular full time schedule with salary and benefits prorated. At Our Company, part-time employees, work at least 25 hours per week . Part-time employees can work shorter workdays all or part of a week, fewer full days each week or a combination.

A  full-time workload cannot  be accomplished in part-time hours. The work has to be restructured by having some of the responsibilities reassigned or eliminated. A creative manager will see the business value of having employees on a mix of full-time, part-time, job-sharing and other schedules; these can be better ways to get the work done and effectively dealing with the global nature of our business.

whether part-time is
desirable and feasible
your own behavioral and
technical path to success 
more fully by diving
more deeply

-- See Sample Schedules

-- Weigh Pros & Cons

-- Take FlexFitness 

-- Review Part-Time 
   Success Stories

-- Study tips for Succeeding

-- Study Impact on
   Total Rewards

-- Visit Troubleshooting to
   see issues that arise

-- Review Part-time FAQs

-- Read Your Agreement 
to see what’s expected

- Flextime - Telecommuting - Remote Work - Part-Time - Job Sharing - Compressed Workweek - Sitemap

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