Flexibility:  Job Sharing - Sample Schedules

There are many ways to divide up a job sharing schedule.  Here are a few examples:
  3 BY 2

Each sharer is scheduled to work half time (20 hours per week.)  The morning person works 9-1 and the afternoon person 1-5 five days a week.

Each sharer works 2-1/2 days (20 hours per week) with an overlap of two hours on Wednesdays.  Sharer "A" works 10-2 on Wednesdays and sharer "B" works 12-4.

The first week, one sharer works three days (24 hours per week) and the second works two days (16 hours per week); the second week, they reverse this schedule.  This averages out to half-time (20 hours per week for each job sharer.)


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