Flexibility:  Part-Time - Total Rewards - Compensation

Base Pay
Exempt employees: Base pay is prorated depending on your approved flexible schedule.

Non-exempt/overtime-eligible employees:
You will continue to be paid on an hourly basis for actual hours worked.

Overtime Pay 
Part-time arrangements have no impact on overtime pay. Overtime will be paid in accordance with applicable laws. Contact your HR Department for information about overtime laws, which vary from location to location. If you are a non-exempt/overtime-eligible employee, your manager must authorize overtime in advance of the work.

(To be completed by Our Company)

Long Term Incentives
(To be completed by Our Company)

Deferred Compensation Plan 
(To be completed by Our Company)

Employee Stock Purchase Plan
(To be completed by Our Company)


- Flextime - Telecommuting - Remote Work - Part-Time - Job Sharing - Compressed Workweek - Sitemap

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